This is the short read. It is purely just a collection of reasons I love to build and why I am extremely supportive of people chasing their passions and curiosity.
Human beings are gifted with two extra ordinary gifts: an imagination and a will to pursue that imagination
We are here, living in this magical blue dot: We have been given a very short time, if we don’t leave something truly great in the world that outlives us, we have wasted our time.
We are all unique in a small way, but one we let that shine, we make huge leaps for humanity. If we don’t create, we have wasted our gifts.
All the magic in this world happens because someone passionate decided to get up and pursue their dreams
As kids we love musicians, entrepreneurs, rockstars, artists and athletes - and it is because these people chase something they are truly passionate about.
The day we lose hope of chasing our dreams and imagination, we stop growing. We are then just decaying carbon masses.
If we don’t live our dreams, we are bound to live a very limiting life full of fear and what ifs.
Nothing is more sorrowful at end of life, I believe, than regret for the chances we didn’t take. Take chances, Live a full life.
Nothing is more beautiful than being consumed by a passion, forgetting to sleep, eat or other basic things just to chase this passion and bring it to life
To die without sharing your spark is a life wasted
Creation is our only purpose. we must create..