Ideas and thoughts as I build things

Life, Technology and Business Rish Gupta Life, Technology and Business Rish Gupta

The case for specific Knowledge

Specific knowledge is something you learn and knowledge you cannot be trained for. Specific knowledge is found by pursuing your genuine curiosity and passion rather than whatever is hot right now. Become the best in the world at what you do (your specific knowledge) and keep redefining what you do until this is true.

Exploring what is mine, and hopefully it makes you think what is yours.

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Technology and Business Rish Gupta Technology and Business Rish Gupta

Why I joined a hardware start-up?

The personal computer revolution started in 1980s, and took 30 years to reach 1.5 billion units worldwide. The smartphones boom started in 2007/08 and it took almost 10 years to reach ~3 billion smart-phone users in the world.

Phone and computers are limited by number of people. Sensors are not and there are more things than people.

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Technology and Business Rish Gupta Technology and Business Rish Gupta

Managers: Why most screw up

Everyone has a boss. Someone said this, and is true.

You are likely to manage people and be managed by someone. If you are a freelancer, it could be your clients. If you are an entrepreneur, it could be your board. Since we will all share this fate, we must try to understand the kind of managers that you might encounter and more importantly, understand the type of manager you want to be.

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