GaryVee or Tim Ferris

Tim Ferris become famous by writing the 4-hour work week and GaryVee has become popularizing hustle porn.

Both share some attributes - specifically the desire to live a life of passion. For Tim, passion lies in enjoying all aspects of life while finding hacks to spend the least amount of time “working” dedicated to earning money. For GaryVee passion lies in building a large business and dedicating every waking hour in service of that.

Both sell the American dream - that you can achieve joy and freedom if you pursue your inner calling. But yet, they are so very different.

So which way to go Tim Ferris or GaryVee.? My thinking is it depends on your context.

Gary-vee works when:

  • in your 20s

  • starting something new in new space where you don’t have inherent advantage of knowledge or network

  • when you are poor

  • when you don’t have a strong community around you that can lift you up.

Tim Ferris works when

  • You have put in your 10,000 hour work - now the quality of your thinking matters and not the hours. You have a large network or knowledge base to execute on.

  • You have found your passions - ways to spend time that give you joy, that helps you to bring joy to the world and add value to the world. If you haven’t found this answer - searching for it is hustle and hard work - no amount of meditation is going to help you find that answer - its in the wild.

  • In your 30s and 40s provided the above is true

  • you are loaded, highly networked or have a large community around you that uplift you. you can then use less time - but high quality time to create high leverage activities for yourself.

Ideally - keep both your inner Gary Vee and Tim Ferris alive - you will need them in different phases. Just don’t be a bit of both and all of nothing.

City of the Sun - Time


The Cycles


Failing is predictable, Success isn’t