Failing is predictable, Success isn’t

If you are an ambitious person you probably have tried to answer the question “what is the path to success?”

I have reads 100s of books, tons of biographies, met some very successful people and answer is still elusive. Individuals can claim grit, hard work, luck etc. but nothing really conclusively answers the question.

The reason I say we don’t have a deterministic answer is because any deterministic answer will have to meet the following criteria:

  • Does the presence of a certain set of traits together always create success?

  • Does the absence of those traits leads to a different outcome?

I haven’t found any. But I did find that if we reverse the problem and ask “what is the path to being unsuccessful? leads to more conclusive answers.

  • Not helping others; not being useful to others

  • a few “Nos” can make you give up a project or a dream

  • Inability to think differently than other

  • Inability to take a loss

  • Being afraid of change

  • Afraid to break rules

I can list a few more but these are the key ones.

The reason I write this is not to publish this list or as a reminder. But I have found this method of choosing “what to most certainly avoid” versus “what to do” is much easier to identify and follow and leads to mostly good outcomes :)

It is just a simple hack to life.

Tantroktam Devi Suktam (feat. Jaya Lakshmi)

p.s: this song is very different from the ones I usually finish my blog with. This is meditative magic :) good to reflect on things. I hope you close your eyes, listen and reflect on this post!


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